The History Of The Hymn Jesus My Strengths My Hope.

The History Of The Hymn Jesus My Strengths My Hope.

On October 9, 1852, Tho­mas Ro­bin­son Al­lan, who later established the Al­lan Library, visited the Wes­ley­an Sanctuary in Wind­sor Road, Brigh­ton, where Fire up. Pe­ter Coo­per talked from the pray­er of Ja­bez (I Chron. iv. 10) and recounted the primary refrain of this melody.

‘Is it true or not that i was directed to this area to­night to re­ceive an an­swer to a pe­ti­tion that had for quite some time involved pray­er, and which I had par­ti­cu­lar­ly and ear­nest­ly argued this morn­ing?

I accept it was thus, in spite of the way that it was joined by a delicate, up­braid­ing look from my ador­a­ble Mas­ter when the minister expressed, Pe­rhaps you en­gaged in the busi­ness with­out con­sult­ing God by any means.

However it was not to me when I entered the region, it came emphatically to mind towards the finish of the assistance that the Master had benevolently con­des­cend­ed to give me a tok­en that He had heard my pray­er.

What’s more, assuming the response has an impact in either way, I pass on to His insight and love.’


Jesus, my Strength, my Hope,

On Thee I cast my care,

With humble confidence look up,

And know Thou hear’st my prayer.

Give me on Thee to wait

Till I can all things do;

On Thee, almighty to create,

Almighty to renew.

I want a sober mind,

A self-renouncing will,

That tramples down and casts behind

The baits of pleasing ill;

A soul inured to pain,

To hardship, grief, and loss,

Bold to take up, firm to sustain

The consecrated cross.

I want a godly fear,

A quick discerning eye

That looks to Thee when sin is near

And sees the tempter fly;

A spirit still prepared

And armed with jealous care,

Forever standing on its guard

And watching unto prayer.