Singing Secrets: Mastering High Notes Made Easy{See This Case study}

8 Tips To Sing High Notes

Do you wish to know the tips on how to sing High Notes? Yes it s possible for you to do this; I am talking from personal experience as Music Director and a Church Organist.

As a church organist, I am experienced in teaching choir voice training before choir rehearsals.

This is very important for effective singing. We have various warm-up skills, like running the scale on the piano; this is helpful too.

Let me show you the eight tips on how to sing high notes.

Here we go into details:

I am linking you to this awesome article of mine:What Kind Of Music Buddhists Listen To?{Answered}I spend over 2hrs writing it

Types Of Singing Voice

There are four female voices :

  • Soprano
  • Mezzo-soprano
  • Alto
  • Contralto

The male voices are three, from the highest to the lowest:

  • Tenor
  • Baritone
  • Under

When it comes to knowing where you are, having your voice teacher, help you is best. With it, you will understand and determine your voice type.

However, to successfully hit higher notes and expand your vocal range, the key is to listen to your body

 You don’t have to strain your vocal cords because you will risk vocal fatigue, reduced vocal abilities in the short term, or even: injury.

If you sing an Ariana Grande song, you find that your chest voice has to do a lot of work; focus on your head voice!

This is a great way to follow your body’s cues while working on the higher notes of the scale.

Head Voice

The head voice allows us to keep our voice when a note is too high while simultaneously offering us the possibility of reaching it.

 It is found just after the spoken voice

. It is often compared to the voice of cartoons.

In males, the leading head voice is falsetto. With practice, the falsetto can quickly reach some power. Who knows? You could even become a natural tenor on stage.

To achieve this, the mids are crucial since, thanks to them; you can reach the highest notes. Ask your Granada singing class teacher everything you need and more.

The Breathing

Listening to your body also implies knowing how to breathe, so you don’t have to make a significant effort to reach the high notes.

 Any singing technique uses it since it imposes itself as a real engine to expand your vocal range and, in the end, to obtain a higher voice, even if it is done well.

The idea is simple: release tension from the whole body through breathing.

As you know, just like in other areas, stress impacts vocal abilities and the singing voice.

Relax, take a deep breath, and give yourself a chance to hit the treble.

Also, why not give yourself a face and jaw massage?

This is the part of the body where the voice comes from, and you may also need to relax.

 Using the palms of your hands, massage the lower part of the cheeks to massage the jawline gently. You will see how the treble improves

Can Beginners Have A High Voice?

Warming up is essential to have a full and quality voice when singing high pitches. Before any concert, the singer has to warm up the voice.

 This time is essential to train the lungs, prepare the cavities and make your voice resonate throughout the concert hall.

 Knowing how to place your voice and knowing how to sing high tones implies, above all, preparing yourself to achieve it.

I eat? With practice, of course. You will need some advice to be able to warm up well and thus be able to keep up with your favorite singers.

First, when it comes to singing high notes, it is essential to know how to open your mouth wide.

Sometimes we tend to think the opposite and want to close it to make the voice scream, but in reality, it is necessary to articulate well and feel the body free of tension.

Also, some people think that the head should be projected upwards when they are in front of a microphone singing high notes.

However, it is the opposite: the chin must be directed towards the ground to give an ideal position to the palate and the tongue (which must remain stagnant).

 If you follow these tips, you will get what you want.

Also, do not forget to drink water to warm up. Some people prefer warm water to stimulate the throat muscles and relax the vocal cords.

However, the important thing is to hydrate the vocal cords, which dehydrate while singing, especially the high notes.

As for the lips, it is also necessary to consider them.

 That’s where our voice comes directly from, and warming them up is just as important.

 Blow through the mouth without separating them to make a slight sound and make them vibrate with the most stable voice possible.

Try to gradually raise the notes so that you will warm up the vocal cords at the same time.

To warm up the vocal cords well, it is essential to do it with patience. Inhale deeply, and as you inhale, pronounce the “u” sound using the least breathy voice possible.

 This will allow you to stretch your vocal cords and eventually get you to play all the vocal ranges.

You can also sing scales, starting on a low note and going up until you can’t take any more.

Remember that you don’t have to force your voice; the higher notes will arrive with time. Sewing and singing, everything is beginning.

How Can I Train My Voice To Sing High Notes?

Every singer wants to increase their vocal range, and hitting high notes is the most impressive feat.

However, no one is born with the ability to sing high notes perfectly!

 The vocal cords require exercise, like other muscles, to become stronger. Start by learning how to relax your muscles.

Then warm up your voice and practice specific exercises to help you increase your range.

Knowing how to sing high notes is essential for every singer.

Because there is the most challenging and beautiful part of each song, your voice shines the most, and you feel most alive and connected to the music.

Although singing high notes with quality and ease results from well-carried-out background work, we give you the primary keys to reaching high notes with more quality.

Difference Between High Notes And Falsetto

Many confuse singing high notes with passing in the head voice or falsetto.

 We all have 2 parts in our voice: the chest voice, called in vocal anatomy, and the spoken voice, with the same timbre as our spoken voice.

There the vocal cords and ventricular bands (or false vocal cords) vibrate, giving that more severe and resonant sound.

And if we go up in tone, we can go from the chest voice to the head voice (or falsetto if there is no support and direction), where only the vocal cords vibrate, giving that lighter and more crystalline sound.

 In vocal anatomy, it is called the singing voice, and it is the highest part of your range.

Between the 2 voices is the famous “passage” (or “passage of the voice”) that can cause difficulties for a specific time

Releases Tension In The Upper Part Of The Body

The secret of how to sing high is to release the part of your instrument linked to the high.

The high notes correspond to the upper part of your body: shoulders, neck, nape, face, and skull.

It’s simple: there is a direct relationship between each note and the part of your body that corresponds to it: the bass comes from your base, from the perineum.

As you go up in pitch, the sound of your voice travels through each vertebra, gradually moving up the entire spine.

And the treble makes the sound travel through the shoulders, your neck, the nape of the neck, and the entire head (face and skull).

For the sound to be fluid and for the voice to pass comfortably when singing high notes, the area that corresponds to that note must be relaxed, loose, and tonic simultaneously.

 If there is tension, the sound worsens; it closes and does not pass well. Your treble is closed and blocked, and you end up hoarse, irritated, and frustrated.

So, to sing high notes with quality, you must have little tension in the upper part of your body. This is valid for singing a capella or with music.

If there is a lot of tension, it will be a dead end. You won’t be able to get to your high notes in your chest voice, and you’ll have to trick, going into your head voice before the count.

 But the feeling and the satisfaction are not the same.

Releasing tension in the upper part of the body is probably the essential thing to be able to hit high notes with quality and ease :

The sound will be poor without tension, even if you apply 1,000 techniques simultaneously.

 And if it is free to open, the voice will sound good directly, even if you don’t know the vocal technique.

For this reason, our method includes deep, structural work to release tension in the shoulders, neck, jaws progressively, and the whole upper part of the body.

 This makes it easier for you to hit your highs and gives your voice more cohesion and quality across the spectrum.

 It is one of the differentials between our online and face-to-face courses.

Sings With Illusion In The Treble

Singing is illusion, joy, and life. But you should remember it even more when you reach the high notes, for these 2 reasons:

Singing high notes with your chest voice requires a lot of energy to keep it open and resist the passage of vibration.

 The famous C chest of the tenors implies that you reach a vibration higher than 1,000 Hz, that is, more than 1,000 vibrations per second!!!

Sustaining this at the maximum volume of your voice requires a lot of dedication.

 If you pass in your head voice, the energetic impact is much less, but giving the treble of your head voice also requires a lot of concentration.

The larynx is one of the essential elements when singing. But thinking and feeling your larynx while you sing is annoying.

One of the aspects of the work we have developed is that you can apply the most efficient technique without realizing it just because we re-educate your body, and it will naturally do what works best for it.

The larynx is a good example: when you feel illusion, passion, or imagine that you are going to eat your favorite dish, the larynx rises naturally. It is placed in the correct position to sing high notes… and all the others.

 Finding a stable larynx position is essential in singing, and this great trick solves the problem for you in no time.

So from now onto, sing with illusion always!

Sing The High Notes Without Straining The Throat

Singing by forcing the throat and vocal cords is the world’s number 1 defect in singing and the cause of 90% of your difficulties and vocal limitations, including problems when singing high notes

It prevents you from singing powerfully and limits the repertoire with which you can feel comfortable.

Why Do We Force Our Throats And Pull Our Vocal Cords When Singing?

It’s simple: on the one hand, since the first sound comes out of the vocal cords, it seems natural to pull from there if I want to give the voice…

But it doesn’t work like that: the vocal cords give the vibration, but the entire vocal apparatus produces and makes the sound resonate.

And even more important: the whole body allows to expand and transmit the sound.

 Thus, for many, the path consists of going from pulling at the throat, feeling a lot of tension there, to perceiving that all the skin of the body is like the membrane of a speaker, amplifying the sound and leaving the neck relaxed to vibrate.

And on the other hand, we tend to pull on the vocal cords because there aren’t many other options :

When the tension is noticeable in the jaws, neck, and shoulders, you don’t have access to much more than the head and throat when inhaling.

You end up pulling from there and forcing the throat even more so to sing high-pitched.

 It is a tragedy: the voice lacks structure and harmonic richness and becomes shrill or metallic when reaching high notes.

And here we come back to the first point we described and the need to release tension.

 If there is a lot of tension, all the energy that enters when inhaling ends up in the throat as if attracted by a magnet.

This reinforces the block, and you pull further and further from there.

How To Sing Without Straining Your Throat?

Here are some efficient tips to improve and sing high notes without forcing your throat.

Lower the volume of what you sing. It is possible that when you go to high notes, you turn up the volume to find the note.

Stop, relax and decrease the volume of that treble.

To do this, do not forget to warm up your voice beforehand.

 If the treble already costs us and we don’t warm up, we can hurt ourselves, and our voices will not sound pretty.

Do the exercises in the order that I give you.

If you perceive that one of them serves you much more than the other, stay with it.

But initially, it is designed so that you can never hurt your voice. Since I’m not there to listen to you, stop if it stings, hurts, or bothers you.

 If you were doing the exercise correctly, there shouldn’t be any of these signs.

Unless you had a cold or something indirect that could cause some itching or irritation, that’s what you know.

How Does That Stress Affect Us?

These are some of the things that can happen.

Sometimes all of them, sometimes just some of them.

 If we raise the larynx, we close our throat, causing that sensation of suffocation or constriction when we try to emit a sharp note.

Raising the larynx and tensing the neck muscles close the throat. With this also, our voice stops resonating.

More than anything, because it doesn’t come out. And our impulsive behavior is to press even harder so that the note comes out louder.

Our voice will still be too loud when we control and correct the problem.

Because we will keep everything the same except that we will no longer raise the larynx.

 So with the same effort, our voice will sound too loud.

All this without realizing it. Since precisely we should relax the larynx and neck muscles and then make way for the voice.

Thus, it can be amplified in the oral cavity and nasal cavity.

We will have to reduce the volume to make the note more relaxed. And also, muscularly, we will not get so tired, and our voice will thank us.

But if not, the sound will always sound poor, forced, and low volume because it will not resonate.

In Conclusion

How many fundamentals of the voice and tips have we shared here?

 I hope you understand better what happens when you want to reach the high notes and why the treble resists you.

Try and practice the advice we have given you here.

And to achieve the profound change you are looking for, to sing the treble without pulling your throat, covering your sound, and opening your scalp, we are waiting for you in our online singing courses, classes, and face-to-face workshops.

They will change your voice and life!

Of course, there are other tips we can give you to successfully hit the higher notes, although they could apply to all notes: