What Can You Do When You First Get A Guitar? {All You need to Know}

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Do you need to know what to do when you first get a guitar?

When you first get a guitar, start by tuning it and familiarizing yourself with its parts.

 Learn basic chords and practice finger exercises to build strength and agility.

Then, start playing simple songs and consider finding a teacher or mentor for guidance.

Patience and regular practice are key to learning how to play guitar.

I was close to many guitarists in my orchestra band and the local church.

I often ask them questions based on the care of their musical instrument.

The care of our instruments is vital.

I researched online how to care for a guitar for the first time. I will like to share my findings below.

I have an interesting article here: What Is The Difference Between Jazz Music And Traditional Pop Music? Answered

Let us dive in:

The first thing you do after purchasing a guitar?

However, assuming you are asking for advice for someone who just got a guitar, they should first check if the guitar is in good condition.

Inspect the guitar for any damage, such as cracks, chips, or scratches.

Check the tuning pegs to make sure they are secure and not loose.

 Also, check the strings to see if they are properly attached to the bridge and the tuning pegs.

If everything looks good, the next step is to tune the guitar.

 A guitar that is not in tune can be frustrating to play and may not sound good.

 You can use an electronic tuner or a tuning app to help you get your guitar in tune.

After tuning, you can start practicing basic chords and scales.

 If you are a beginner, you may consider taking lessons from a guitar teacher or online tutorials to help you learn the basics.

Don’t forget to take good care of your guitar by keeping it in a safe place and cleaning it regularly.

 How Long Does It Take To Get Accustomed To A New Guitar?

It may take some time for a beginner just starting with the guitar to adjust to and feel comfortable with the new instrument.

This procedure might take weeks or even months.

You must play and practice on the guitar during this period to become acquainted with its sound and feel.

 For experienced guitarists, the adjustment period may be shorter as they already have developed some skills that can be applied to the new guitar.

 However, it may take some time to fully adjust to the new instrument and its nuances.

In general, it’s important to be patient and give yourself time to adjust to the new guitar.

With consistent practice and playing, you will eventually become more comfortable with the new instrument and fully enjoy its unique characteristics.

Does A New Guitar Need To Be Set Up?

It is recommended to have a new guitar set up by a professional or knowledgeable guitar player.

Even though a new guitar may come from the factory in good condition, there are several reasons why a setup may still be necessary.

Firstly, the guitar may have been sitting in a warehouse or on a store shelf for some time, which can cause the wood to settle and the strings to lose tension.

This can affect the playability and sound of the guitar.

A setup can help adjust the action, intonation, and string height, making playing easier and more comfortable.

Additionally, different guitar players have different playing styles and preferences, and a setup can be tailored to suit your individual needs.

A professional setup can help ensure your new guitar plays and sounds its best.

Overall, while a new guitar may not necessarily need a setup, it is recommended to have it done to optimize its playability and sound.

It is crucial to remember that a setup can be a complicated operation that a competent guitar technician or experienced player should perform.

Does Playing Guitar Hurt At First?

It is common for beginner guitar players to experience some discomfort or even pain in their fingers when first learning to play the guitar.

 This is because playing the guitar involves pressing down on the strings with your fingertips, which can be challenging for the muscles and tendons in your fingers that may not be used to this type of activity.

However, this discomfort should temporarily disappear as you build up calluses on your fingertips.

 Calluses are toughened areas of skin that form on your fingers with regular guitar playing, and they can help to protect your fingers and reduce discomfort when playing.

Taking frequent breaks and stretching your fingers regularly is important  to minimize discomfort while learning to play guitar.

 You can also try playing for shorter periods and gradually increasing your playing time as your fingers become stronger.

It’s important to note that if you experience significant or prolonged pain while playing the guitar.

You should take a break and consult a medical professional to ensure that you are not causing any long-term damage to your hands or fingers.

How Long Should I Wait Before Unboxing A Guitar?

Typically, there’s no set time that you need to wait before unboxing a guitar.

However, letting the guitar acclimate to its new environment is generally a good idea before you start playing it.

This is especially important if the guitar has been shipped from a different climate or location.

In general, it’s recommended to give the guitar at least 24 hours to adjust to the temperature and humidity of your home before you unbox it.

 This will help prevent damage to the instrument or the guitar’s tone changes.

Inspecting the guitar carefully for any signs of damage or defects before you start playing it is also a good idea.

 If you notice any issues, immediately contact the seller or manufacturer to resolve the problem.

How Often Should A Beginner Play Guitar?

As a beginner, developing good habits and consistency in your practice routine is important.

In general, beginners should practice guitar for at least 30 minutes to an hour each day, at least five days per week.

This will assist you in developing finger strength, skill, and muscle memory.

However, the amount of time you should practice ultimately depends on your individual goals and schedule.

 It’s better to practice consistently for shorter periods rather than sporadically for longer periods.

 As you progress, you can gradually increase your practice time and intensity.

Remember that how you practice is more important than how much you practice.

Concentrate on good technique, learn new chords and tunes, and push yourself with new workouts and approaches.

Taking pauses and relaxing your hands and fingers is also vital to avoid injuries and exhaustion.

Should I Immediately Change Strings On A New Guitar?

Whether or not you should change the strings on a new guitar depends on personal preference and the condition of the strings that come with the guitar.

Generally, new guitars come with factory-installed strings that may have been on the guitar for some time.

 These strings may have lost some tone or intonation due to being played in the factory or sitting in a warehouse for an extended period.

Additionally, factory-installed strings may not be the highest quality, affecting the guitar’s overall sound.

If you are particular about the tone and feel of your strings, you may want to consider changing them to your preferred brand and gauge.

 However, if you are happy with the sound and feel of the strings that came with the guitar, you can certainly continue to use them until they need to be replaced due to wear and tear.

Ultimately, deciding to change the strings on a new guitar is up to you and your preferences.

 If you’re unsure, you can always consult with a guitar technician or experienced player

How Do I Know Whether My Guitar Is Well Setup?

Action height: The action refers to the distance between the strings and the fretboard.

You can check this by pressing down on the strings at the 1st and 12th frets.

A small space should exist between the bottom of the strings and the top of the 7th fret.

The strings may buzz against the frets if the space is too tiny. It may not be easy to play the guitar if it is too high.

The accuracy with which the guitar plays notes up and down the fretboard is called intonation.

You can check this by comparing the open string note to the 12th fret note.

They should be exactly one octave apart. If they are not, the intonation may need to be adjusted.

Neck relief: Neck relief refers to the slight bow or curve of the neck.

You can check this by pressing down on the strings at the 1st and 14th frets.

A small space should exist between the bottom of the strings and the top of the 7th fret.

 If the gap is too small, the neck may be too straight, causing the strings to buzz. If it’s too high, the neck may be bowed, making playing difficult.

String height at the nut: The strings should be just high enough to clear the frets at the nut.

If the strings are too high, they may be difficult to press down, making playing chords more challenging.

Pickups: The pickups should be adjusted to be evenly balanced and provide a clear, even tone across all strings.

Overall, a well-set-up guitar should be easy to play and produce a clear, balanced tone.

If you’re unsure whether your guitar is set up correctly, taking it to a professional guitar technician who can assess and adjust it as needed is a good idea.

Can You Ruin A Guitar?

Yes, it is possible to ruin a guitar if it is not properly cared for or is subjected to extreme conditions.

Here are a few ways that a guitar can be ruined:

Heat and humidity: Exposing a guitar to high heat and humidity levels can cause the wood to warp or crack.

Neglect: Failing to care for your guitar properly can cause it to deteriorate over time.

This includes neglecting to change the strings, failing to clean and condition the fretboard, and not keeping the guitar properly stored in a case.

Improper repairs or modifications: If you attempt to repair or modify your guitar without the proper knowledge and tools, you can cause damage that may be irreparable.

Physical damage: Accidentally dropping your guitar or hitting it against a hard surface can cause significant damage to the body, neck, or headstock.

Environmental damage: Exposure to elements such as saltwater or harsh chemicals can damage the finish or corrode the metal components of the guitar.

While it is possible to ruin a guitar, it’s important to remember that most damage can be repaired or prevented with proper care and maintenance.

Regular cleaning, appropriate storage, and careful handling can help protect your guitar and ensure it lasts many years.

 If you’re unsure about how to care for your guitar, it’s always best to seek the advice of a professional guitar technician.

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Should I Wipe Down the Guitar After Playing?

It is a good idea to wipe down your guitar after playing it.

When you play the guitar, oils, and sweat from your hands can build up on the guitar’s strings, fretboard, and body.

 Over time, this can cause the strings to corrode and the wood to deteriorate.

Wiping the guitar after playing can help remove these oils and sweat, keeping your guitar clean and in good condition.

To wipe down your guitar, use a soft, lint-free cloth and gently wipe down the strings, fretboard, and guitar’s body.

Avoid using aggressive chemicals or cleansers since they might harm the finish or wood of the instrument.

If you have a nitrocellulose finish on your guitar, use a cloth developed particularly for this finish since other varieties of cloth might cause harm.

By making it a habit to wipe down your guitar after playing, you can help ensure that it stays in good condition and continues to sound great for years.

To recap, when you first purchase a guitar, you should inspect it for defects, tune it, adjust the truss rod and string height, check the intonation, clean and condition the fretboard, and begin playing.

These procedures will assist in guaranteeing that your guitar is correctly set up and ready to play, as well as keeping it in good shape for many years to come.